
Behavioral health: 3 things all Pennsylvanians should know

Aug 26, 2022

Telemed - not just for pandemics anymore

Not all visits to the hospital are for physical ailments. Pennsylvania hospitals offer behavioral health services and resources to people in crisis. Read on to learn what behavioral health is, why it’s important, and what is being done to improve access. 

Are you or a loved one experiencing a behavioral health crisis?

Help is available: Dial 988 to speak to a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline professional.

Behavioral health is more than mental health

Many people assume the terms mental health and behavioral health are interchangeable, but they mean different things. Behavioral health is a discipline that focuses on how a person’s physical and mental health is affected by their actions and behavior, including things such as substance abuse, eating disorders, and gambling. The term covers mental health as well, because behavior patterns can lead to anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and other mental health issues.

Behavioral health specialists work with individuals to learn how to change their thinking and behavior patterns to help them improve both their mental and physical health. 

Behavioral health services are in high demand

The need for behavioral health services nationwide has been on a steady upswing, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified that demand. In Pennsylvania, behavioral health professionals are working hard to meet the need for services, but more resources are needed.

Just considering mental health needs illustrates the depth of the problem. Nearly 2 million Pennsylvanians experience mental illness, but more than half of them go untreated. 

These individuals and those with other behavioral health needs face long waiting lists and other barriers to receiving services. As a result, many have turned to hospitals when experiencing a crisis. Sadly, they end up waiting days or weeks in the emergency department because a hospital is not designed to provide those supports but has nowhere to send them for care. 

Behavioral health can be strengthened across Pennsylvania

The time is now to expand and sustain Pennsylvanians’ access to behavioral health care by increasing services throughout all care settings, strengthening the behavioral health workforce, and improving care delivery and payment models.

The Healthy Me PA community helped score a win for those in need by successfully advocating for dedicated funding to be included in the 2022-23 state budget, including a $42.6 million increase for county mental health programs. The state also set aside $100 million in one-time federal COVID-19 relief funds to help primary care doctors provide some psychiatric services. School students will benefit as well with a first-ever $100 million for in-school mental health support. Every school district in the state will receive $100,000 as a base grant, and charter schools will get $70,000.

We all deserve access to timely behavioral health services to improve our mental and physical wellness. Stay tuned to learn how we can work together to improve the behavioral health landscape in Pennsylvania. 


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