Together, we can improve the health of all Pennsylvanians!

Stand up for your health care

Stand up for your health care!

The Healthy Me PA community makes its voice heard by helping to secure numerous legislative victories that improve our health care in Pennsylvania.

Our priorities cover a range of health care issues that are vital to Pennsylvanians like you:

  • Improving access to health care. From protecting rural hospitals and health care facilities to expanding access to telemedicine, the Healthy Me PA community takes action to make sure you can get the care you need.
  • Improving behavioral health. Thanks to our community’s efforts, the Joint State Government Commission was formed to study the state of behavioral health in PA and identify areas for improvement.
  • Protecting health care workers. Whether it’s someone in your family or a friend, we all know a health care worker. The Healthy Me PA community values those workers, and we champion legislation to protect them—including bills to protect their identities and to increase penalties for assault on a health care worker while on duty.
  • Prioritizing health care in the state budget. Healthy Me PA has successfully urged lawmakers to use tobacco settlement funds for health care rather than to settle state debt, and to fund Medicaid supplemental budget lines for trauma centers and obstetric and neonatal care units. Through Healthy Me PA, your voice can be heard in state budget negotiations.

How do we do this?

Healthy Me PA gives you the tools to make your voice heard in a matter of minutes!

By answering a few quick questions, you can contact your legislator directly, urging them to pass legislation that improves health care policy and practices in Pennsylvania.

We provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision, and then we connect you with your lawmaker with just a few clicks. We even provide a sample message for you to send.

Want to learn more? Sign up for email updates from Healthy Me PA. We’ll keep you informed about the most important health care issues in Pennsylvania, and we’ll alert you to new opportunities to make your voice heard.

How do we do this

Stay tuned to Healthy Me PA as we guide you through the journey to standing up for your health care and allowing your voice to be heard.