
Use the Force and These Tips for a Healthier Summer

Apr 27, 2018

Want to make this summer your healthiest yet? Accomplishing your summer health goals doesn’t require traveling to a galaxy far, far away to become a Jedi master. All it takes is following some simple tips we’ve learned from watching—and re-watching—the original Star Wars trilogy.

These cinematic classics have entertained generations, and we can take cues from these films for a healthier lifestyle. Inspired by some of the most popular Star Wars characters, here are four tips to attain a better physical lifestyle this summer:

Jabba the Hutt: Eat right

A healthy lifestyle starts with eating right. In contrast to a diet like that of Jabba the Hutt, the notorious crime-lord who did little more in “Return of the Jedi” than stay in his palace and eat Klatooine paddy frogs, eat a variety of healthy food including plenty of fruits and vegetables. Learn about the differences between portion size and serving size. Losing weight means changing habits, not just a quick-fix weight-loss program.

Discover kava tah properly nourish yourself, um u’ll have do healthier lifestyle da goes beyond doe summer.        

  • Huttese, or Jabba-speak, for “Discover how to properly nourish yourself, and you’ll have a healthier lifestyle that goes beyond the summer.”

Tusken Raiders (the Sand People): Drink plenty of water

With the summer sun beating down, it’s important we stay hydrated. The Sand People’s native Tatooine didn’t provide much opportunity for water thanks to its arid climate, and the Tusken Raiders wanted what little H2O there was for themselves.

Your body is constantly losing water. The rule of thumb is to drink at least half-a-gallon of water each day. Make sure there’s water on hand when indulging in your favorite summer activities.

Luke Skywalker: Stay active

Becoming a Jedi health-master requires staying active. While you don’t have to undertake a program like the one Yoda had Luke Skywalker doing in “The Empire Strikes Back,” you should take time each day to get outside for physical activity.

This doesn’t mean going for a 5-mile run or undertaking a rigorous physical program. Use your inner force to participate in simple activities, such as walking and swimming, to improve your physical wellbeing. When doing so, please remember to take the proper precautions to stay safe exercising this summer.

Droids: Get plenty of sleep

Take a cue from C-3PO and R2-D2, and learn the importance of sleep. To recharge their power cells, the droids enter sleep mode several times throughout the films, such as when C-3PO shuts down in Obi-Wan Kenobi’s hut, and R2-D2’s 32-year sleep between “Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens.”

The right amount of sleep is essential for a healthier lifestyle. It’s recommended adults get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Too little or too much sleep can cause serious health problems. To learn more, read our post on how you can get better sleep.

Have a safe, healthy summer, and be sure to have plenty of fun. As Yoda says, “Do or do not. There is no try.”
