
Common Allergies By Season – And How to Treat Them

Nov 1, 2016

Learn which pollens are most common in Pennsylvania throughout the year and how to minimize allergic reactions.

Fashion isn’t the only thing that changes by the season. Learn which allergies have a habit of striking during certain times—and the best tricks to avoid an allergic reaction.

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Ragweed-fueled allergies typically begin in September and last through the season. Levels of ragweed pollen are generally highest in the morning, and the allergen tends to thrive during cool nights and warm, windy days. While pollen is washed away by rain, pollen counts tend to soar after a rainfall. Take note of the weather and consult your health care provider about taking an antihistamine medication.


Christmas trees bring holiday cheer—but they can contain microscopic mold spores in their branches, and that can cause major wheezing and sneezing. Shake trees well to get rid of these allergens before you carry them into your home.

Thanks to winter’s bare trees, there’s less pollen floating around organically—but using indoor heating can instigate dust, which can be a major allergy trigger.

To reduce dust exposure, keep your humidity below 55 percent, vacuum your home frequently, and use dust-mite-proof covers on pillows and mattresses. Regularly clean home air filters, as well as bookshelves, vents, and other common collecting places for dust.


As nature returns in the warmer spring months, pollen is back in full gear—meaning spring allergies start to kick in, caused mostly by grass, flower, and tree pollen.

During spring and summer, grass and tree pollens are highest in the evening. To avoid an allergic reaction:

  • Keep windows and doors shut during allergy season
  • Take a shower and change clothes after spending time outdoors
  • Take appropriate medication before working outdoors—talk to your health care provider to find the right antihistamine medicine for you


Allergies during the summer are primarily the result of fungus spores and seeds, which can grow on fallen leaves, compost piles, grasses, and grains.

During the summer, grass and tree pollen levels are typically highest in the evening. The best way to avoid these allergens is to keep doors and windows closed, and to run the air conditioning with a HEPA filter.

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