Why Us

Together, we can improve the health of all Pennsylvanians!

About Us

At Healthy Me PA, our mission is to ensure access to care for all Pennsylvanians. We are a community of passionate individuals working together to make our voices heard by elected officials and to make health care accessible, equitable, and effective across the commonwealth. 

We help make health care easier to understand and give people ways to stand up for better care. We share real stories, useful information, and help people take action.

Our Focus Areas

We advocate for legislation to improve access to care:

  • Maternal Health: We support policies that expand access to prenatal and postpartum health services.
  • Rural Health: We work to keep hospitals and health services in rural PA open so that people in those areas can get the care they need regardless of where they live.
  • Preventing Health Care Workplace Violence: We stand up for health care workers by supporting laws that keep them safe and stop violence against them.

Get Involved

Making your voice heard is simple! With just a few clicks, you can sign up to for opportunities to urge your lawmakers to support better health care in Pennsylvania. We provide the tools, facts, and messages you need to take action. You’ll stay informed about critical health issues in the state and discover how you can advocate so that all Pennsylvanians receive the health care they need, when and where they need it.